[영어문법] as as 비교, 비례식묘사/표현 '~할 수록' (Live academy)
[특징, 성격, 성질 비교와 차이]
Than | as as |
A는 B보다 크다 |
B는 A만큼 크지 않다 |
- as 뒤에 주어 동사가 오는게 자연스러운 경우(정도의 차이)
그녀는 저만큼 여행하는걸 좋아하지 않아요
(o) She doesn't like traveling as much as I do
(x) She doesn't like traveling as much as me
=> 그녀는 나를 좋아하는 만큼 여행을 좋아하지 않아요 라는 의미가 되버림
=> do는 앞에 doesn't like traveling의 반복을 피하게 만들어줌
저는 걔네들만큼 영화를 보러 자주 안가요
I don't go to the movies as often as they do
저희 형은 저만큼 부모님을 자주 안뵈러 가요
My brother doesn't visit our parents as much(often) as I do
걔는 이거에 대해서 나만큼 걱정이 안되는 모양이야
She doesn't seem to be worried about this as much as I am
=> be worried라서 I do가 아니라 I am 이다
- as [much + 명사] as (양에 대한 비교)
나는 너만큼 시간이 많지 않아
(o) I don't have as much time as you (do)
(x) I don't have time as much as you
걔는 우리만큼 돈을 많이 못벌어
She can't make(earn) as much money as we do/ as us
나는 걔만큼 친구가 많지 않아
I don't have as many friends as she does/ as her
그들은 우리만큼 경험이 많지 않아요
They don't have as much experience as we do/ as us
나는 걔만큼 실수를 많이 하지 않았어
I didn't make as many mistakes as she did/ as her
나는 너만큼 거기에 많이 안가봤어
I haven't been there as many times as you (have) => 횟수에 대한 비교는 이 표현도 많이 씀, times는 복수라서 횟수에 대한 표현이 됨
I haven't been there as much as you
나는 너만큼 걔를 많이 안만나 봤어
I haven't met her as many times as you (have)
- as as 차이점 묘사
내가 학생이었을 때는 지금만큼 (성격이) 외향적이지 않았어요
When I was in school, I wasn't as outgoing as I am now
제 핸드폰이 처음 샀을 때만큼 빠르지 않아요
My phone isn't as fast as it was when I first got(bought) it
20년 전에는 지금만큼 취직하는게 어렵지 않았어
About 20 years ago, getting a job wasn't as hard as it is now
걔는 그녀를 처음 만났을 때만큼 그녀에게 잘해주지 않아
He doesn't treat her as well as he used to when they first met
(treat: He treats me nice/ I treat her (very) well)
요즘은 일을 하기 전만큼 극장에 자주 안가
I don't go to the movies as often as I used to before I started working
내 핸드폰 배터리가 처음 샀을 때만큼 오래가지 않아
My phone battery doesn't last as long as it did when I first got it
(last long: 오래가다)
+ 내가 생각했던 것만큼 ~하지 않았다
내가 생각했던 것만큼 어렵진 않았어요
It wasn't as hard as I thought + it would be
+ it was going to be
내가 생각했던 것보다 쉬웠다
It was easier than I thought
It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be
it was going to be
내가 생각했던것만큼 멀게 느껴지지 안핬어
It didn't feel as far as I thought
as I thought it would
as I thought it was going to
학생이었을 때만큼 시간이 많지 않아요
I don't have as much time as I did(used to) when I was a student
처음 이사했을 때는 지금만큼 가구가 많지 않았어요
When I first moved, I didn't have as much furniture as I do now
생각처럼(생각했던 것만큼) 사람이 많지 않았어요
There weren't as many people as I thought
as I thought there would be
as I thought there was going to be
저희가 생각했던 것만큼 관광을 할 기회가 없었어요
We didn't get as many chances(opportunities) to go sightseeing as we thought we would
we were going to
[비례식 묘사/ 표현]
많을수록 좋아
the more the better
(시간/시점이) 이를수록 좋아
the earlier(sooner) the better
가까울수록 좋아
the closer the better
작을수록 좋아
the smaller the better
작을수록 가격이 더 싸
the smaller it is the cheaper it is(gets) => 이건 이런 형태가 규칙
기능이 많을수록 좋아
The more the functions the better (it is)
The more functions it has (there are) the better it is
the more convenient it is
작을수록 들고 다니기가 더 편해진다
The smaller it is the more convenient it is to carry (around)
사람이 많을수록 좋아
The more the people the better
The more people there are the better (it is)
거기에 일찍 도착할수록 준비할 시간이 많아지니까 이를수록 좋을거 같아
The earlier we arrive(get) there the more time we'll have to prepare.
+) So, I think the earlier the better
너가 지금 일을 더 많이 끝내 놓을수록 나중에(너가) 할 일이 더 줄어들어
The more work you finish(do) now the less(work) there'll be for you to do later
하면할수록 (조금씩) 감이 더 오는 것 같아
I feel like I'm getting better at it + every(each) time (I do/ try it)
I feel like I +can+ understand it + a little + better + each time I see it
+ each time I read it
+ each time I watch it
시간이 지날수록 나아질거야
As time goes by it's going to get better
경험을 더 (많이) 쌓을수록 쉬어질거야.
As you gain more experience it's going to get easier
갈수록 어려워지는거 같아
I feel like it's becoming more and more difficult