be supposed to, have to, should 표현
have to: ~해야 돼/ 해야 된다 (단순 의무)
You have to buy me lunch sometime 너 나중에 점심 사줘야 돼
You have to fill out the blank 괄호 안을 채우시오
should: ~하는게 좋겠어, ~하는게 좋을거야 (개인적인 권장/ 충고/ 조언)
I should go to work this Saturday 나 이번 주 토요일에 출근해야돼
don't have to: 안해도 된다, ~할 필요가 없다
You don't have to come early
I don't have to get up early tomorrow
You don't have to worry about that
shouldn't: 하면 안된다, ~하지 않는게 좋겠다
You shouldn't carry so much cash
You shouldn't take those vitamins so often
be supposed to: ~해야한다 (기준에 의한 책임: 전통/ 상식적인 기준/ 관습/ 관례/ 법/ 정책/ 규정)
You're not supposed to be late on the first day 첫날부터 지각하면 안되
You are supposed to be here at eight every day 매일 8시에 여기로 출근해야 한다
You are supposed to file an income tax return 넌 세무신고를 해야해
I'm supposed to be in Myeongdong by 2 o'clock today 오늘 2시까지 명동에 가야해
If you live in an apartment, you're not supposed to have parties at 3 am 너가 아파트에 산다면, 새벽 3시에 파티를 열면 안된다