실제 이공계 논문에 쓰이는 영어단어, 동사, 형용사 등등 ver.2
2023. 8. 27. 21:40
Word | Expression |
Here of: 이것의, 이문서의 | Here of, we suggested a versatile method where nanocrystals were assembled inside the porous polymer by synergistic chemical synthesis and permeation flow in and through its pores. |
Herein: 여기에서, 이 문서에서 | Herein, the zinc-containing nanoparticle-decorated UHANWs (Zn-UHANWs) with a hierarchical nanostructure have been synthesized by a one-step solvothermal method. |
A, resulting in B: A 하여 결과적으로 B 하였다 | In addition, HA-Au@Pt BiNCs facilitate(촉진시키다) nanoparticle-mediated charge transfer in nanoporous hydrogels, resulting in high sensitivity,[16] fast response time, and low detection limit. Acetone appeared to be better than ethanol which dissolved the PVA and chitosan as well as the PS beads, resulting in the decreased sensitivity In addition, the formed nanopores seemed to augment the role of individual nanoelectrodes, resulting in the improved sensitivity. HA-Au@Pt BiNCs improved the function of GOx by actively removing H2O2, resulting in the improved sensitivity and detection limit. |
elucidate: 더 자세히 설명하다 | In this work we elucidate the mechanism underlying electrochemical growth of nanoporous platinum layers and its control by ionic concentration and current density during electrolysis. |
contrasting: 대조적인, 대비를 이루는 | We begin with a brief introduction contrasting enzyme-based microelectrodes with microdialysis techniques for studying chemoanatomy and the neurochemical correlates of behavior. |
confronting: 닥치다, 맞서다, 정면으로 부딪히다 | Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the challenges confronting the use of enzyme-based microelectrodes as well as several future applications of the microelectrode arrays. |
evolved: 발달하다, 진전시키다 | Over the past several decades a variety of measurement techniques have evolved, |
over the past ~ decades: 지난~년간 걸쳐서 | In vivo microdialysis techniques have evolved significantly over the past two decades. |
preclude:~로하여금 하지못하게하다, 불가능하게 하다 | While the diameter of microdialysis probes continue to decline thereby restricting the size of the sampling zone, this area may still preclude investigations of functional heterogeneities within small brain regions or between closely adjoining regions. |
restricted: 규모, 수량이 제한된, 한정된 | As detection is restricted to the surface of the electrode with in situ electrochemical methods, |
milieu: (사회적)환경 | extracellular milieu |