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손해/ 이득과 관련된 13가지 영어 표현

by SnowRed 2020. 12. 18.

- 손해

It cost me a lot (of time/ money/ manpower). 제가 (시간/ 금전적/ 인력) 손해를 많이 봤어요

좀 더 폭넓게 표현하고 싶을땐,

It caused a lot of damage.

피해를 입은 주체를 먼저 이야기 할땐,

We suffered a huge loss.

The company sustained a huge loss(setback) last quarter

The pandemic set us back quite a lot (set 누구 back은 누구에게 손해를 끼치다는 구동사)

야, 이거 안먹어 보면 손해야,

Hey, try this. You don't know what you're missing (out on)

have <무엇> to lose: 손해 볼 것이 있다/없다/많다/적다

I have nothing to lose./ I've got nothing to lose

- 이득

It's better for me(you) 내(너) 이득이야

What do I have to gain from that? 그게 나한테 무슨 이득이 있니?

How does that benefit me? (비교적 formal)


어떤 연구자들은 건강한 음식을 더 많이 먹는 것보다 음식을 전체적으로 제한하는 것에서 더 많은 이득을 볼 수 있다고 한다.

1. Some researchers say that it's better to maintain an overall restrictive diet than to eat more healthy foods.

2. Some researchers say that there is more to gain from an overall restrictive diet than to eat more healthy foods.

3. Some researchers say that there is more to benefit from an overall restrictive diet than to eat more healthy foods.
