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다양한 영어 숙어 표현

by SnowRed 2020. 2. 21.

- Like baby's bottom/ butt: 피부가 매우 부드럽다

Your skin is like a baby's butt. What lotion do you use?

I feel like my skin is like a baby's butt.

+ 남자에게는 수염도 안난 어린 사람이라는 표현이 되어버림


- Pain in the neck/ butt: 성가신 사람(것)

Filing out these forms is a real pain in the butt.

That guy is a pain in the neck.


- A little bird told me (that)...... S + V: 소문에 의하면.....

A little bird told me that you were back in Thallamd.

A little bird told me that you were rich.


- Play it by ear: (계획없이) 즉흥적으로/ 흘러가는 대로 하다

We don't need a script. Let's just play it by ear.


- Pull one's leg: 장난치다/ 속이다/ 농담하다

Don't believe what he is saying! He is just pulling your leg.


- have too much on one's plate: 이미 하는일이 많다.(바쁘다)

Thanks for the suggestion, but I already have too much on my plate. Maybe next time.


- Work out: 운동하다

I worked out for three hours today

I'm planning to work out with my parents

So if you work out, please let me know what kind of work out you do and how often you work out.


- I'm a ~ person: 나는 ~를 좋아하는 사람이다

I'm a coffee person: 나는 커피를 좋아하고 자주 마신다

I'm a people person: 나는 사람들을 좋아하는 사람이다

I'm a morning person: 나는 아침일찍 하루를 시작하는 것을 좋아하는 사람이다

I'm a movie person: 나는 영화를 좋아하고 즐겨보는 사람이다


- What's his(her) face: 그 남자(여자)다! (얼굴은 아는데 이름 모름)

Look over there! It's what's his face!

what's her face is on the phone. Get the phone.

At the gym. What's his face kept looking at me. It was so creepy.

Did you see what's her face at labstory?




