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다양한 시제 관련 표현 + 시간 읽는 방법

by SnowRed 2020. 2. 27.

- 시제: 과거 - 현재 - 미래


I usually get up at 7(o'clock)

I usually go to bed before midnight


Today I got up at 8(o'clock)

Last night, I went to bed around 10 o'clock


Tomorrow I'm going to get up at 6(o'clock)

Tomorrow, I'm going to go to bed at 10


- 과거 완료 시제

This morning, I was at home. I had just eaten breakfast. Just as I was about to leave, I had to go to the bathroom really bad.

오늘 아침에, 집에서, 막 아침을 먹고 딱 나오려 하고 있는데 갑자기 화장실이 너무 급했어. 그래서 늦었어

과거완료(대과거): 그 이후의 일을 설명하기 위해

외워서 써야함[+) (just) as I was + ing: 막 ~하고 있다]


Last night, I had just gotten off work. I was in front of my office building, And just as I was about to take the bus, I noticed (that) I didn't have my wallet with me.

어제 밤에, 막 퇴근을 하고나서, 사무실 건물 밖에서 (앞에서 딱 버스를 타려고 하고 있는데 지갑을 지갑을 안가지고 온거야)


+) So, what did you do?: 그래서 어떻게 했니?

What else could I do?: 그래서 어쩌겠어?

I had to go back up to get it: 다시 가지러 올라갔지


- 4가지 단순 미래 시제: be going to(단수), will, simple present tense(단순 현재형), present continuous tence(현재 진행형)

A: What time is the moive?

몇시 영화야?


B: It starts at 2:15 but I'm going to be there a little early. I'm having lnch with my parents nearby.

2시 15분에 시작하는데 난 조금 일찍 가 있을거야. 근처에서 부모님이랑 점심약속이 있거든


A: OK. I'll be there by 2 o'clock. Do you want to meet up in front of the snackbar?

알았어. 난 2시까지 갈께. 매점 앞에서 만날까?


B: Sounds great. I'll see you then.

알았어. 그때봐


- 시간표현

It's ten to four: 4시 10분전

It's a quater to seven: 7시 15분전

It's half past one: 1시 30분

