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TED: How your unique story can get you hired(당신의 특별한 이야기로 직업을 얻는 방법)

by SnowRed 2020. 11. 6.

Maybe you don't submit the application, because of:

- My parents didn't go to college

- I have a learning disability

- I didn't see anyone who represented my race or my gender on the website

- There's just no way I'm going to get this job

But I'm here to tell you that your self-doubt about your experiences can be the key to driving your career success

The secret is to transform how you perceive your own story.

Ask yourself two questions:

1. Why do you want to do this work?

Usually, your personal experiences can help give you clues.

ex) Did your grandmother do manual labor, and it made you really worry that she didn't get access to high quality healthcare? 

ex) Did your brother have to overcome his dyslexia, and you helped him with his reading? 

And so, you became really attuned to education policy. When you're in an interview, go ahead and talk about them, because it will show your passion and your dedication to the work. 

2. How can I share my story to showcase the unique strengths I will bring to the work?

ex) Did you have to work multiple jobs while you were in college that did not at all align with your major? That shows an employer that you have time management skills and a strong work ethic. 

ex) Did you need to drop out of college because one of your parents was sick? Fill in the gap, talk about how you administered their treatment plan. 

ex) Talk about how you had to work around their complex schedules. 

That shows that you're thoughtful, that you're compassionate, and you know what, that is what makes a great teammate. 

Reframing the hardship in your story can remake your confidence over and over again, but it takes time. It's like running a marathon. You have to train and practice. 

Go back and reflect on those tough questions that you need to answer. The answers are what makes you you, and I have to tell you, when you learn to practice that story, tell it with conviction. I am sure that the hiring manager is going to hear the strength in it too.


learning disability 학습 장애

folks 사람들

dropbox 우편함

high-stakes 이판사판의, 중대한 이해관계, 큰돈, 큰 이권

liability 골칫거리, 법적책임, 의무, 부채

accrued 발생한, (취득했지만) 미수의, (부담했지만) 미불의

workforce 노동자, 노동인구, 직원

untraditional path 전통적이지 않은 방법, 기존에 없던 방법

top-notch 최고의, 아주 뛰어난

extraordinary 기이한, 놀라운, 비범한

come around 돌아오다, 의식을 회복하다, 소생하다, 고통이 가라앉다

by the time 그때까지

dyslexia 난독증, 독서 장애

attuned 익숙한, 적절히 대응하는

dedication 전념, 헌신, 봉헌식, 헌납식, 헌정사

filling out ~을 채우다, 기입하다

sophisticated 세련된, 교양있는, 정교한, 복잡한, 지적인, 수준높은

harness 벨트, 말에 채우는 마구 (in harness=정상 근무 중인)

along with ~에 덧붙여, ~와 마찬가지로, ~와 함께~에 따라

advocacy 변호, 지지, 옹호

align 나란히 만들다, 일직선으로 하다, 가지런하다, ~을 조정하다

ethic 윤리, 도덕, 도덕론

drop out 탈퇴하다, 퇴거하다

administered 지배적

thoughtful 조용히 생각에 잠긴, 배려심 있는, 친절한

compassionate 연민어린, 동정하는

hardship 어려움, 곤란

tough 힘든 ,어려운 엄한, 냉정한

conviction 유죄 선고, 강한 신념, 강한 의견, 확신
