Language102 실제 이공계 논문에 쓰이는 영어단어, 동사, 형용사 등등 ver.2 Word Expression Here of: 이것의, 이문서의 Here of, we suggested a versatile method where nanocrystals were assembled inside the porous polymer by synergistic chemical synthesis and permeation flow in and through its pores. Herein: 여기에서, 이 문서에서 Herein, the zinc-containing nanoparticle-decorated UHANWs (Zn-UHANWs) with a hierarchical nanostructure have been synthesized by a one-step solvothermal method. .. 2023. 8. 27. 실제 이공계 논문에 쓰이는 영어단어, 동사, 형용사 등등 Vocabulary Verb Adjective Adverb intrinsic 본질적인 nature 본성 Strategy = approach = access Criteria = standard 기준 Element / component / object Owing to 명사 Pull 명사 away from 명사 = lift away Assemblage, 집합체, 모임 Fracture = break Defect 결함, 결점 Embodiment 상징, 전형 Address Configuration Distinct layers Adherent = tacky surface Constraint 제한 Degradation Constraint 제한 subtraction 빼냄, 삭감 trial 시도 sustained incr.. 2023. 8. 27. 돈, 연봉, 월급 관련 영어 표현 Salary: 연봉 (일반적으로 연봉의 의미로 사용)The average salary for entry-level positions in the U.S. is around 40,000 dollars.미국에서 신입사원의 평균연봉은 약 4만 달러다.+) annual salary, monthly salary로도 사용 할 수 있음 wage: 시간당으로 계산되어 지급되는 급여 Rate: 시간당으로 계산되어 청구하는 비용What's your rate? 당신의 시간당 비용이 어떻게 됩니까?(미국에서 주로 이런 말을 함) income: 수입 get paid 돈/급여를 받다I get paid at the end of every month 저는 급여를 월말에 받아요Did you get paid this month? 너 이.. 2021. 2. 6. "Align" meaning (Align 뜻, 의미, 예문) "Align" 나란히 하다, 정렬하다 : to put two or more things into a straight line, or to form a straight line: ex) When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire! ex) Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight. ex) Make sure the columns align in the chart. ex) The left eye of the patient and the right eye of the examiner are aligned. ex) The "star in the East", he s.. 2021. 2. 5. 헤어질때, 벌써, 시간이 빨라, 그러고 보니깐 영어 표현 A: 애들아. 아쉽지만 난 이만 일어나야 할 거 같아 Listen, guys. I hate to say it but I gotta get going. +) sorry를 쓰기보단 아쉽다는 뉘앙스의 hate to say it를 쓰는게 더 자연스러움 B: 벌써? 다 같이 아이스크림이나 먹으러 갈까 했는데... Oh, so soon? I thought maybe we could all go get some ice cream or something A: 그랬으면 좋았겠지만 내일 아침 일찍 회의가 있어서 준비를 해야 돼. 너네끼리 가. 다음에는 나도 꼭 갈게. Oh, that would've been great but I really gotta go prep for a meeting early tomorrow mo.. 2021. 2. 3. let 의미 3가지/ to let go, let out, let have it 뜻 LET: to allow: to permit: to allow to enter or leave"Please let us in! It's cold!" = Please allow us to enter"(Police) I'll let you go with a warning" = I'll allow you to leave, but give you a warning : use with imperative; to request, propose"Let us see""Let us consider these options"+) Let us = Let's "Let's go to the park after school if your dad lets you"= request to go to the park after scho.. 2021. 1. 23. be 동사 의문문/ 일반동사 의문문/ 의문사 뜻과 예문 - Be 동사: am, is, areAre you + 형용사?You are -> Are you로 앞뒤가 바뀜 - 일반동사: be 동사를 제외한 나머지 동사 (study, go, eat, love 등)Do you + 동사원형?You happy -> Do you happy로 앞에 Do가 붙음 [현재 일반 동사]: Do + S ~? (평소에/ 일반적으로 ~~을 하는지/안하는지에 대한 질문)You eat breakfast every day -> Do I eat breakfast every day?I work every day-> Do you work every day? 당신은 일을 하나요?She works on weekends-> Does she work on weekends?Do you drive to wor.. 2021. 1. 21. belong + to, with, in, on 뜻과 예문 Belong to: ~을 소유하다, ~에 속하다 (= show ownership)I found a box of cassette tapes that belong to my sister나는 내 동생 것인 카세트 테이프 상자를 찾았다 That blue Jeep belongs to David그 파란색 지프 차량은 David 소유이다 Who does this iPhone belong to?이 아이폰 누구거죠? That belongs to me 그것은 내 것입니다 belong with: ~와 관련이 있다, ~의 자격이 있다, ~으로 분류되어 있다, ~의 일원으로 적합하다 (=be grouped or connected together)This case belongs with that camera이 경우는 그 카메라와.. 2021. 1. 20. be bound to 뜻과 예문 (+ bound for) be bound to (1) 틀림없이 ~하다 (~하게 되다) = be definitely = be certainly = be sure to = be certain toIf she has problems at the office, it's bound to affect her work 만약 그가 회사에 문제가 있다면, 그것은 반드시 그의 일에 영향을 미친다 You are bound to make it 너는 꼭 해낼거야 She's bound to find out sooner or later그는 틀림없이 조만간 알아낼 것이다 You are bound to be late if you are not hurry너가 서두르지 않으면 지각할거야 Mika is stuck in a traffic jam so that she.. 2021. 1. 20. (What is "likely")likely 뜻, 의미, 영어표현 Likey: probable/ probably true"a likely outcome""a likely result" : be likely + to (confident something will happen but not 100%)"We're very likely to get a foot of snow today""They're likely to bend and break""It's not likely to stop until late tonight""The American is likely to win the race tomorrow""England are unlikely to win the World Cup any time soon""Sarah was unlikely to have known that.. 2021. 1. 17. (what is "thus, therefore, hence") thus, therefore, hence 영어표현 thus (really formal): result of the last argument: (First sentence). Thus, (result/ objective)+) Hint: use the same verb tense in both sentences "She was lied to several times. Thus, her trust was broken""He was going on holiday. Thus, he was feeling pretty relaxed ""They sold their car. Thus, they were able to pay rent that month""Our business is projected to generate $50,000 in the coming year.. 2021. 1. 17. while/ during/ meanwhile/ awhile/ for a while/ in awhile 차이 While (+ clause(subject +verb)) "While I was trying to sleep, I heard a noise!""I played drums while she slept""She eats ice cream while I work" : remove the subject + be verb (only remove subject in continuous forms)-> DEFINITELY sounds more formal"While trying to sleep, I heard a noise!" During= in the middle of"I hate people who talk during movies!" Meanwhile= at the same time"Superman was fl.. 2021. 1. 14. 처음에는, 처음으로, 애초에, 하는게 처음이다, 먼저 등 처음과 관련된 표현 at first: 처음에는 :문장 앞이나 뒤에 위치 At first it was a little awkward. 처음에는 좀 어색했어.I wasn’t very interested at first. 처음에는 별로 관심이 안갔었어.It was a little difficult at first, but it was okay once I got used to it. 처음에는 좀 어려웠는데 익숙해지니까 괜찮았어.in the first place / to begin with: 애초에 :문장 뒤에 위치I think there was some misunderstanding in the first place. 애초에 오해가 좀 있었던 것 같아요.I made some mistakes, to begin with. 애초에 내.. 2021. 1. 13. 원래/ 원래 그래/ 원래는 말이야 영어 표현 [Originally] - 출신을 강조하는 표현I am originally from Texas내 뿌리는 택사스에 있다 - 원래 처음에는 그랬는데 지금은....이라는 뉘앙스She was originally pretty그녀는 원래 예뻤어(하지만 지금은.....)This was originally for Frank, but you can have it원래 프랭크 껀데.... 그냥 너 줄께 => 예전엔 이랬는데 지금은.....?- Used toThere used to be cafe here.여기 원래 카페가 있었는데.The food used to be good here여기 음식 원래 맛있었는데 => 과거와 현재가 똑같이 원래 그런 상태다 라는 뉘앙스를 주기 위해,- 현재완료 사용(늘/ 항상 그렇다는 맥락, 성격.. 2021. 1. 13. [영어식 사고] 완곡하게 강조하기/ 했나보다, 했을 수도 있다, 했을리가 없다 - 강조표현 완곡하게 돌려서 말하기I don't care at all. 난 관심없어. 상관안해couldn't care less. 신경쓸 수가 없어. 관심을 둘 수가 없어 (I couldn't care less even if I wanted to) I couldn't care less what he says about me. 걔가 나에 대해서 뭐라고 하든 난 1도 신경 안써 It's a complete mess/ It's a real mess 정말로 큰일이야. (mess 대신 disaster이라고 하면 더 심각하게 들림)It's nothing short of a disaster. 완전히 재앙급이라는 말을 돌려서 함 (disaster대신 miracle을 붙이면 기적이야 라는 표현이 됨)( perfection.. 2021. 1. 4. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 7 다음